Tim Wander - Lecture Titles
Tim is pleased to lecture and talk to societies, schools and institutions about the early days of wireless.
Talks are typically 60 to 80 minutes - somewhat informal and questions are always encouraged!
Tim has lectured to hundreds of different groups, from school children to U3A, University lecturers to historians. His talks are always targeted at the level and interest of the group on the day - from social history to specialist engineering societies.
All talks are accompanied with a PowerPoint presentation - often with rare or unseen images from Tim's collection.
These are some of the titles that Tim has presented over the past 25 years:-
- Writers Workshop - How to research, write and print you own book
- 2MT Writtle and the Birth of British Broadcasting
- Dame Nellie Melba sings for the wireless
- Wireless and the Birth of Civilian Aviation
- The birth of the electronic age - from coherer to crystal set
- The Marconi New Street Works 1912 - 2012
- The Worlds First Wireless Factory - Hall Street 1899-1912
- Marconi on the Isle of Wight
- Guglielmo Marconi - Building the Wireless Age
- Marconi - Five years that changed the world
- Marconi - The man behind the myth
- Marconi in Northern Island
- The Development of Airborne Wireless during WW1
- Wireless goes to the Boer war - the first time
- The last hours of the RMS Titanic (told from the radio operators view)
- Wireless and the RMS Lusitania
- Wireless and the RMS Republic
- The History of RADAR
- RADAR on the Isle of Wight
- The Story of Northwood House - Hidden histories
- Paranormal research at Northwood House - a sceptic scientists view
- PLUTO on the Isle of Wight
- Defending the Realm - the story of Culver Cliff
- From Musket Ball to Full Metal Jacket - the history of the gun
- Historic Cowes - a walk through time
- The story of Cowes week - Grand Houses, grand balls and yacht races
- The story of Chelmsford's water - 200 years of filtration and supply
- Racing is life, all else is waiting! Or how to restore, race, (and sometimes crash) an E type Jaguar
and any combination of the above.
He is also available for radio, podcasts and TV interviews and pleased to consult on any subject.